SEND Strategy Survey Feedback
The bar charts below summarise the quantitative data collected through the online consultation and also several examples of comments from stakeholders within each of the sections.
Examples of qualitative feedback for Vision and Ambition (35 comments in total for this section):
“I have concerns about implementation and whether it will really happen but the aims are good.”
“I really like the focus on outcomes. Given that EHCPs run 0 -25 should there be specific reference to young adults (as well as Children and YP) 18+ who will be in our schools and colleges?”
“Our needs are understood, acknowledged and provided for is the key line for me. If that's done properly it covers all the other points in the vision.”
“That inclusivity is carried out by all schools in Brighton and Hove and this can be done by work collaboratively with parents and the LA to carry out the requirements for every child by making adjustments so that the child is not being asked to 'fit' the system rather the other way round.”
Examples of qualitative feedback for Governance (27 comments in total for this section):
“Why is it a linear path to the SEND board?”
“I cannot form a view here because it is unclear how representative the partnership boards will be and how impactful they will on the democratic process.”
“There does not appear to be a voice for the voluntary sector in the governance structure.”
Examples of qualitative feedback for Inclusion (85 comments in total for this section):
“Children and young people with SEND are too easily overlooked and their voices not heard, therefore inclusion is crucial to ensure they are able to access services and are listened to both as a group and as individuals.”
“Excellent range of actions. Support in schools and time for staff to be able to provide the support is essential.”
“I like the concept of the assessment tool. I hope this will reflect the idea of neurodiversity, which I feel should not just be used in an ASC context but across all needs. We need to move away from pursuit of (sometimes many) labels and towards more of an understanding of individual profiles that do not always need to be put into boxes or given official identifications, especially at a young age. Despite efforts at training, teachers and parents can still find this very challenging. Also, we need to move away from a medicalised model and the idea of something being 'wrong with' the individual - these mindsets still exist.”
“Inclusion is vital. It is important for SEND families to have equal opportunities and for this to be made available with the right support for them to access support to enable them to have the services they need and that are in their best interests.”
“Building on good practice of early identification in EYs and SEND guide early identification throughout the age phases. Early identification that EYs have led on is good and exemplary practice in the city and a need to continue with this. Need to protect the areas that are working in this area.”
“There is a need to help continue to support schools with how to provide and support CYP with identified needs.”
“Early intervention is key to the prevention of difficulties and family crisis arising at a later stage.”
“Delay on identification compounds the difficulties individuals and families have later on.”
“Early identification is important and the training of professionals to spot when intervention is required should be prioritised.”
“More robust assessments over a period of time to identify SEND in early years is needed.”
“Too many children I have met have waited too long to get their needs met or have struggled at transitions times due to needs not being identified and provided for.”
“Research shows that early intervention leads to better outcomes. Families will feel better supported and crises/reactive practice will be reduced as a result.”
Examples of qualitative feedback for SEND Pathways (91 comments in total for this section):
“It is incredibly confusing to know what is available, where to go, when to access.”
“Lack of clarity and consistency across the city. Provision is still too varied and clearer thresholds are needed.”
“Not all families and young people will attend clinics, services need to be delivered in the community to be fully accessible to those that need them.”
“Many children fall through the gap especially in later years and then adulthood.”
“Where can parents turn for help? The pathway should be clear and online for all to access.”
“Essential services and support are not signposted to families. I was surprised to read about services I hadn’t heard about in the first two pages of your strategy”.
“Health education and social care not linked up for families.”
“There will be more joining up of services and communication to improve identification pathways. To improve services so that parents/carers do not have to keep telling their stories.”
“At the earliest possible stage there needs to be a clear way for all families to receive the full range of information about what help they could be eligible for (therapeutic / financial / social / emotional etc) and where that support can be found. Together with the support of someone to help guide them towards the most appropriate services rather than just leaving them with a pack of leaflets at a time when the amount of information may be difficult to digest if they are feeling overwhelmed with their circumstances. All families should be supported equally to access the help or support they might need.”
“Something really needs to be done this is well overdue. It's not fair at present when things become too much they lose out rather than receiving the necessary support.”
“Sometimes the curriculum is not differentiated enough for the individual or the environment at a particular setting may be wrong so there should be more awareness.”
“The statistics indicate there is an issue here locally.”
“Need consistent outcomes across all settings including short-breaks so all working to the same goals. Voice of the child, young person and adult with learning disability need to be consulted and involved in what outcomes they want to achieve.”
“I agree with developing an outcomes framework for both EHC plans and CYP on SEN Support - a template could be created which all schools use to monitor the provision and interventions a CYP is receiving as well as being used to keep track of their progress towards their outcomes”.
“Assistive Technology needs to be part of the strategic priorities as its role can be invaluable and make such a positive impact on people's lives and potential.”
“A more asset-based message would also be positive - the positive impact disabled people can make on the workforce and society - there's so much research to back this up.”
“It is essential that there is a focus on life skills and meaningful alternative qualifications to ensure the best adult life possible.”
“I am very pleased to see the 14-25 work to provide a bridge from children's to adult services.”
“In my experience the transition from school to college is not well supported with little specialist support or access to information regarding options. A 14-25 team would be very beneficial in bridging these transitions.”
“Often transition planning is still left too late with not earlier enough planning to make it a smooth process for families especially for those children and young people with very complex needs. Often children services providers having to continue with placements post 18 years as adult services have not been successful securing ongoing correct provision which then blocks up placements for children and puts pressures of families waiting who are already reaching family relationship breakdown & exhaustion.”
“Transition support has improved hugely over the past ten years, but there is still scope for further improvement. Agree that transition to adulthood is a key area to support.”
“We all as a society need to do more to help CYPA get into employment/ part-time employment / supported employment / micro-enterprises etc.”
“Young people with SEND often fall between the cracks. High levels of anxiety about change.”
“Vocational training from earlier ages. Most transition preparation starts way too late for our vulnerable young people.”
Examples of qualitative feedback for Sufficiency of SEND Services and provision (77 comments in total for this section):
“Importance of using data to inform practice, being critical of data and thinking does this reflect need in the city.”
“I believe we are very fortunate to have the range and quality of services that we do in B and H. However, time and resources can indeed be managed in a more effective and equitable way.”
“I would support a SEND sufficiency project being undertaken as on too many occasions there is delay on Post 18 transition planning and provision. This would reduce anxiety and stress levels for families and achieve better outcomes for young people, whilst also freeing up valuable resources for the 0-18 population.”
“It is so important that the right provision is available at the right time for all CYP with SEND. Also that every CYP has a suitable setting they can attend.”
“There will always be pressures on the High Needs budgets and we all need to work together across the city.”
“A great set of goals that recognised current weaknesses in the systemic failures of services for certain groups - let's hope these can be achieved.”
“I think services are key for supporting School Support CYP through effective training and monitoring in schools, as this can help free up more resources to be targeted for those with highest need.”